Monday, February 6, 2012

The Next Prime Minister

Goal Your goal is to convince others that you could “make the federal government system work” for all Canadians.
Role – You are a student vying for one of a select few positions in a group of Canada’s “next prime ministers.”
Audience – The Speaker of the House of Commons is holding this contest.
Situation – The Speaker is holding this contest to put together a group of young people considered to be the “next prime ministers.”  You are to prepare a speech that answers the question “As Canada’s prime minister, how would you respond to what you believe is the most important issue about government today?” Your speech should reveal:
·         Knowledge of how the three branches of government work to respond to issues that affect Canadians
·         An understanding of how the political system involves citizens in decision making
·         Facts and reasons supporting your judgments
Purpose – Your purpose is to convince your listeners that the federal government system will work well in response to your issue.
Standards for Success – Your speech will be assessed according to the criteria described in the rubric below.
Your Assignment will have two key components
1. Speech: (You will hand in a written copy of this along with your portfolio.)
   -it should be not less than a minute and not more than a 1.5 minutes when spoken
   -your speech should identify what you believe to be the most important issue for government to deal with and how you as a prime minsiter intend to deal with it
   -your speech should also identify how you will use the various parts of government to accomplish your  plan.
2. Portfolio 
   -this is a visual representation of your bid for Canada's Next Prime Minister. It should incldue a picture of yourself and a some information about the idea/issue you want to address as PM. You can include slogans, photos graphics etc. You can use the following formats for this presentation (video, poster, brochure, powerpoint file.)

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