Trans Canada Road Trip

This is the official web section for the...
Trans-Canada Road Trip

Here's how it works:
Step One
Once you have located all the places listed in your passport. Find them on the map and label them correctly. Make sure that you also find the correct answers for other items listed in your passport (ie. Premier, resources, etc)
If you feel this is complete show your passport to Mr. Friesen for approval - once given you can move on to...
Step Two
Take some time to learn about the province that you have just labelled use the following links as a starting place
Feel free to use other search engines such as Wikipedia, or provincial tourism sites to find more information.
Your goal is to know why each location listed in your passport is important to the province or to the whole country. If you think you have done enough research you may choose to take the quiz which is...
Step Three
Each province has a separate quiz which you will be able to access only once you have completed your passport. You must pass the quiz with at minimum of 50% (at least half of the answers must be correct) in order to start your next province. Use the following links to access your quiz.
British Columbia
Once you have passed the quiz move our flag pin to the border of the next province on the Trans-Canada Highway. You are now ready for...
Step Four
Build a stumper question for members of the other team. Create a question that is designed to fool the other teams based on information you have researched about the province you have just exited. Do not forget to include the answer to your question. Once your question is approved you may begin work on your next province and repeat steps one though four.

don't forget